Question!Est-il pertinant (à vous de me le dire) de vouloir préparer des culasses de 749R?Si oui, conduits admin et echap, travail au niveau des soupapes (sections débitantes) et bossages de la culasse inter soupapes?
Kevin hi Yes the heads can be worked on. In standard form some are better than others . The main thing about the heads are the ports shape . We can change the shape (mainly floor turn) and help the flow at high valve lifts. The combustion chamber shape can be changed to help the low and mid lift flows giving a better head. The valves and combustion chamber recieves a polish . The seats recieve a fresh 3 angle cutting too. The ports can also be sized /shaped for different power deliverys. I can carry out the modifications for 420 pounds - if i recive the head stripped without anything in them . I would need the intake rubbers and all 8 valves. If the bike stays at 749cc there is a limit to how much the chamber can be shaped without loosing compression. For 749cc i dont take that much away and sometimes we can skim up to 0.4mm from the head to restore the compression (wich is best) this is an addition 70 pounds .If the bike is bored to 848cc then the chambers can have lots removed improving the flow a lot without damaging compression with the result being very powerfull engine. The 6mm valve guides are pretty good as standard so we can get away with trimming them back without problems . some models i wont work on unless my own designed guides are fitted. Chris
j'ai pas la prétention de dire que je sais travailler les culasses, mais du moins après avoir lu beaucoup de documents sur le sujet, j'en ai repris les grandes bases de la théorie, vis à vis de ce qu'il est quasiment sûr de pouvoir faire sans risquer d'avoir un effet inverse (dégrader) . Après pour aller + loin dans la prépa ça demande des essai / matériels / comparatif etc...donc soit t'as un dieu de la prépa qui t'explique tout (en fonction de ta configuration spécifique) soit tu restes dans les grands principes.J'ai repris un peu ça dans les 2 premières page de mon post "Passage 748 en 854" si jamais t'y jette un oeil